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Denise Holland – PlayFreely®️ – Sports Performance Coaching




Meet Denise Holland - PlayFreely®️ - Sports Performance Coaching

About Denise Holland

Denise Holland is a leader in the spiritual nature of human psychology behind sports performance – the most undiscovered competitive advantage! She has competed at two World Championships and two Asian Championships in netball. Over fifty internationals and more than a hundred England Super-league matches have benefited from her services as a performance and national coach. Denise understands what it is to underachieve at a major competition and fail to maximise return on investment.

Why do business

I love helping people lead the life they want live, with peace of mind, joy and contentment even when their thinking or the environment isn’t cooperating! My passion is sports performance but of course, I help all people to have a better time of their mind, especially the youth.

About Denise Holland - PlayFreely®️ - Sports Performance Coaching

She now dedicates her life to helping sportspeople Playfreely®️,highly aware, focused, and functioning optimally with 100% access to their skill capacity when it counts! Denise’s grounding in the spiritual nature of existence and human consciousness makes her highly specialised in leveraging state of mind. She works with sportspeople of all ages and levels local league to professional and national honours.


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